What is coronavirus? Coronavirus or COVID-19 is a family of viruses ( Coronaviridae). It is like common cold. Mostly found in animals.But rarely it can be in human and then human to human. Its first case was from wuhan city , China What of are Symptoms coronavirus? Coronavirus directly affects the immune system and to exposure symptoms it can take 2 - 14 days. It's symptoms are:- • fever •cough • Shortness of breath •Tiredness Treatments:- Till scientists/ Doctors have not any proper treatment, there is no cure and no vaccine for treatment. But we can reduce it. It is transmitted by being in contact with infection person , it can be done through air. COVID-19 also transfer by touch object which infected person hold. It can live in air upto 8 hours. So, It requested that avoid going to public places. At least 1 m shoul...
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