It's funny because even though I've been coaching virtually via zoom for years, and before that by phone, I recently started coaching again in-person AND was reminded of just how much I love it! For me nothing beats the power of an in-person connection and the power of a group! The picture you see in the intro is actually a shot of our recent in-person group now turned into zoom sessions. We had to switch to virtual meetings instead and we are making it work! And that's what we do as entrepreneurs right? We adapt, find solutions and stay flexible. I'm amazed at how many virtual speaking engagements are popping up - everyone is adapting:-) Okay so here are my best tips to stay organized at home: Tip #1: Set a schedule. Decide on your work hours - and I do want to say for those of you with kids home having to homeschool, give yourself grace! You are a powerhouse and can get so much done in a limited amount of time. Decide what works best for you and your famil...
1) It Is A Natural Resource Basically, crude oil is a naturally occurring product, which consists of a little bit of sulfur, oxygen, nitrogen and more of hydrocarbons. It gets formed from what is left of small animals and plants under the surface of earth after millions of years. Many natural factors like pressure and heat turn the remains into oil. Based on the type of oil and the method of extraction, you can classify it into heavy, extra heavy, medium or light. 2) Crude Oil Is Used In Production Processes Crude oil is on the list of most important sources of energy on the planet. It is burnt to produce heat as a fuel. Aside from this, it's used in asphalt, lubricants, waxes and many other petrochemicals. Afterwards, these products are used and made into other products like clothes and plastics. It's amazing to know that everything we see around us relies on crude oil during the production process. 3)5 Major countries Produce 50% of oil used Globally Saudi Ara...